Keep Your Reviews Coming!
I love hearing your feedback and seeing your pictures! It is so motivating to hear stories of how Munchables have helped your children.
If you'd like to share your images, post on either the Munchables Facebook or Munchables Instagram page. I hope to hear from you!
"My son had one of these when he was in the second grade given to him by his teacher and he absolutely loved it and it helped immensely with his concentration and frustration while he was in school learning but then it ended up lost at the end of the year when he packed up all his school supplies, which made him pretty bummed out.
I just want to say the biggest thank you to the sellers of this product and others like it. Its made a huge difference in my sons life and I couldn't imagine him not using these especially while in school instead of fidgeting and not wanting to focus on the lessons being taught.
My heart is so grateful for this company and from one mama to another set of parents I will be forever grateful you chose to make this into a business to help all parents with such amazing products. Thank you for all you do." - Alicia, Amazon Review August 2020

"Thank you so much! One very happy kiddo and two happy parents." - Emily, Munchables Website Review August 2020